In 1974, Stanley Kubrick, withdrew his film, “A Clockwork Orange”, from British circulation due to the uncontrollable nature of its notoriety. Ever since this self-imposed exile, the resonance of the film has largely been affirmed through the striking design of its’ original poster.
The artist, Philip Castle, was a close colleague to Kubrick, and the two men worked together on a number of films including “A Clockwork Orange”. As a student of illustration at The Royal College of Art, Castle came across an antiquated airbrush that had been gathering dust in a basement room before being put to use by students keen to re-spray their scooters. Thinking in more fantastical terms, he adopted the airbrush to replicate in illustrative form the chrome plated and spray painted veneers of American cars. Capitalising on the luscious but hard-edged quality of these materials, he innovated the techniques of airbrushing to encompass illusions of depth, realistic skin tones and a fetishistic attention to detail.
It was these attributes that gained Kubrick’s attention and subsequently, Castle was commissioned to produce airbrushed designs to support the dramatisation of the film.